What We Do

We are Certified Healers in the Transpersonal Body Mind Balance Method. Using energy pulled from the ground, the earth’s core, and clearing all blocks and holding areas in the body and mind, from trauma, grief, and old stuck paradigms and patterns, ways of being, defenses, through Hands on Energy healing as well as distant and remote healing practices.
“My main concern was being in a stuck and painful place with a transition of a close relationship. I needed a trusted support system and non-judgmental ear to listen and also reflect. Because I had many very private things to share, this was extremely important to me to experience trust during healing. What most impressed me was the silent portion of "hands on" distance healing. The experience was profound and moving. I could actually feel her hands on my body, a relaxing transformation followed and I knew instantly when she was finished. I truly felt held, guided, with much more clarity in the days that followed”.
— Recurring Customer